Friday 19 October 2012

Attorney FUMO lies and the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL prints his lies. Why are the media and attorneys being allowed to get away with such lawless acts?

Take the case of Bryan Crawley serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a murder he did not commit. The media crucified him by printing their opinion rather that the factual truth. Securing a conviction long before his trial even stated. We all know that the media will print anything for profit, juicy stories sell newspapers and push up the ratings but where is the law? The public is brainwashed into believing the garbage that they print, citizens and the jury influenced by what they read and the corrupt officials thrive on the public support, allowing their lies to sound more convincing, framing people for crimes they did not commit, manipulating the justice system and breaking the law. The state tried to give Bryan Crawley the death sentence but failed but one Attorney Fumo from Las Vegas decided to personally hand down a death sentence after the LWOP conviction by making a false statement to the media. Attorney Fumo Claimed that Bryan was a “notable” witness against the Aryan Warriors gang. For an inmate this means awaiting execution by the gang regardless.

The facts are that Attorney Fumo is the AW Gangs attorney. Attorney Fumo is a good friend of Nick Herda the man who paid witnesses to testify against Bryan Crawley. Both the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Attorney Fumo should be charged with attempted murder and solicitation to commit murder. One can only pray that the truth will be exposed and that Bryan Crawley will be granted a new fair trial and that the Las Vegas Review –Journal will print the truth next time round, What they should have printed in the 1st place was that the authorities claimed that Bryan Crawley was shot by the victim before he succumbed but that there is NO physical evidence, no DNA found and not one spec of his blood found on the scene. Is it possible to be shot in the stomach and not bleed one drop of blood?

With no disrespect to the victim but the media gained the public sympathy by harping on the fact that John Herda was an 83 year old war veteran and owner of the original Herda’s appliance store. The truth is that the Herda Family make their money from one of the worst strip clubs in Las Vegas and it is synonymous with drugs and prostitution.

As for Attorney Fumo, one can only believe that his personal friendship with Nick Herda takes preference to the oath he made to uphold the law.

Friday 12 October 2012


Published on Sep 18, 2012 by lawlessamerica

Lawless America Movie Interview: Tonya Frances Brown for Nolan Klein in Carson City, Nevada.
Nolan Klein is dead. He died in the Nevada State Prison. He was wrongfully convicted. He spent 20 years in prison and died there, an innocent man.
Nolan Klein wrote a letter expressing his feelings about the corruption that he experienced. Nolan Klein speaks to us from Heaven through his sister, Tonja Frances Brown.
Lawless America...The Movie is all about exposing the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.
The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. Corrupt judges and corrupt government officials will be exposed, and we will confront a number of the crooks.
If anyone has ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the corruption report was true. In fact, there are probably tens of millions of victims in the United States who never realized what happened to them.
One feature length documentary movie is being produced. It will be shown in theaters, on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places, and the movie will be presented at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals.
In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor, founder of and GRIP, and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide. Over 750 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie.
For more information, see and

"Mass incarceration on a scale almost unexampled in human history is a fundamental fact of our country today -- perhaps the fundamental fact, as slavery was the fundamental fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the criminal-justice system -- in prison, on probation, or on parole -- than were in slavery then. Over all, there are now more people under 'correctional supervision' in America -- more than six million -- than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height." -- Adam Gopnik, "The Caging of America"

In an age when freedom is fast becoming the exception rather than the rule, imprisoning Americans in private prisons run by mega-corporations has turned into a cash cow for big business. At one time, the American penal system operated under the idea that dangerous criminals needed to be put under lock and key in order to protect society. Today, as states attempt to save money by outsourcing prisons to private corporations, the flawed yet retributive American "system of justice" is being replaced by an even more flawed and insidious form of mass punishment based upon profit and expediency.
As author Adam Gopnik reports for the New Yorker:

[A] growing number of American prisons are now contracted out as for-profit businesses to for-profit companies. The companies are paid by the state, and their profit depends on spending as little as possible on the prisoners and the prisons. It's hard to imagine any greater disconnect between public good and private profit: the interest of private prisons lies not in the obvious social good of having the minimum necessary number of inmates but in having as many as possible, housed as cheaply as possible.

Consider this: despite the fact that violent crime in America has been on the decline, the nation's incarceration rate has tripled since 1980. Approximately 13 million people are introduced to American jails in any given year. Incredibly, more than six million people are under "correctional supervision" in America, meaning that one in fifty Americans are working their way through the prison system, either as inmates, or while on parole or probation. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the majority of those being held in federal prisons are convicted of drug offenses -- namely, marijuana. Presently, one out of every 100 Americans is serving time behind bars.

Little wonder, then, that public prisons are overcrowded. Yet while providing security, housing, food, medical care, etc., for six million Americans is a hardship for cash-strapped states, to profit-hungry corporations such as Corrections Corp of America (CCA) and GEO Group, the leaders in the partnership corrections industry, it's a $70 billion gold mine. Thus, with an eye toward increasing its bottom line, CCA has floated a proposal to prison officials in 48 states offering to buy and manage public prisons at a substantial cost savings to the states. In exchange, and here's the kicker, the prisons would have to contain at least 1,000 beds and states would have agree to maintain a 90 percent occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for at least 20 years. The problem with this scenario, as Roger Werholtz, former Kansas secretary of corrections, recognizes is that while states may be tempted by the quick infusion of cash, they "would be obligated to maintain these (occupancy) rates and subtle pressure would be applied to make sentencing laws more severe with a clear intent to drive up the population." Unfortunately, that's exactly what has happened. Among the laws aimed at increasing the prison population and growing the profit margins of special interest corporations like CCA are three-strike laws (mandating sentences of 25 years to life for multiple felony convictions) and "truth-in-sentencing" legislation (mandating that those sentenced to prison serve most or all of their time). And yes, in case you were wondering, part of the investment pitch for CCA and its cohort GEO Group include the profits to be made in building "kindler, gentler" minimum-security facilities designed for detaining illegal immigrants, especially low-risk detainees like women and children. With immigration a persistent problem in the southwestern states, especially, and more than 250 such detention centers going up across the country, there is indeed money to be made. For example, GEO's new facility in Karnes County, Texas, boasts a "608-bed facility still smelling of fresh paint and new carpet stretch[ing] across a 29-acre swath of farmland in rural South Texas. Rather than prison cells, jumpsuits, and barbed wire fencing, detainees here will sleep in eight-bed dormitory-style quarters, wearing more cozy attire like jeans and T-shirts. The facility's high walls enclose lush green courtyards with volleyball courts, an AstroTurfed soccer field, and basketball hoops, where detainees are free to roam throughout the day." All of this, of course, comes at taxpayer expense. "And this is where it gets creepy," observes reporter Joe Weisenthal for Business Insider, "because as an investor you're pulling for scenarios where more people are put in jail." In making its pitch to potential investors, CCA points out that private prisons comprise a unique, recession-resistant investment opportunity, with more than 90 percent of the market up for grabs, little competition, high recidivism among prisoners, and the potential for "accelerated growth in inmate populations following the recession." In other words, caging humans for profit is a sure bet, because the U.S. population is growing dramatically and the prison population will grow proportionally as well, and more prisoners equal more profits. In this way, under the pretext of being tough on crime, state governments can fatten their coffers and fill the jail cells of their corporate benefactors. However, while a flourishing privatized prison system is a financial windfall for corporate investors, it bodes ill for any measures aimed at reforming prisoners and reducing crime. CCA understands this. As it has warned investors, efforts to decriminalize certain activities, such as drug use (principally possession of marijuana), could cut into their profits. So too would measures aimed at reducing the prison system's disproportionately racist impact on minorities, given that the incarceration rate for blacks is seven times that of whites. Immigrants are also heavily impacted, with roughly 2.5 million people having been through the immigration detention system since 2003. As private prisons begin to dominate, the many troubling characteristics of our so-called criminal justice system today -- racism, economic inequality, inadequate access to legal representation, lack of due process, etc. -- will only become more acute. Doubtless, a system already riddled by corruption will inevitably become more corrupt, as well. For example, consider the "kids for cash" scandal which rocked Luzerne County, Penn., in 2009. For ten years, the Mid Atlantic Youth Service Corporation, which specializes in private prisons for juvenile offenders, paid two judges to jail youths and send them to private prison facilities. The judges, who made over $2.6 million in the scam, had more than 5,000 kids come through their courtrooms and sent many of them to prison for petty crimes such as stealing DVDs from Wal-Mart and trespassing in vacant buildings. When the scheme finally came to light, one judge was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison and the other received 28 years, but not before thousands of young lives had been ruined. In this way, minor criminals, from drug users to petty thieves, are being handed over to corporations for lengthy prison sentences which do nothing to protect society or prevent recidivism. This is the culmination of an inverted justice system which has come to characterize the United States, a justice system based upon increasing the power and wealth of the corporate-state. No matter what the politicians or corporate heads might say, prison privatization is neither fiscally responsible nor in keeping with principles of justice. It simply encourages incarceration for the sake of profits, while causing millions of Americans, most of them minor, nonviolent criminals, to be handed over to corporations for lengthy prison sentences which do nothing to protect society or prevent recidivism. This perverse notion of how prisons should be run, that they should be full at all times, and full of minor criminals, is evil.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

NDOC is trying to take the easy way out again! UNFAIR TREATMENT OF NDOC INMATE
NDOC created a problem by placing inmate Bryan Crawley a “none” gang member in a gang debrief program in which he clearly did not belong as Bryan was never a member of the Aryan Warriors gang, not before prison and never during his imprisonment had he any association with this gang nor was he ever going to testify against them. After a false statement made by Attorney Osvaldo Fumo from to the Las Vegas Sun who printed the article “Quote” “Fumo said one of the government's more notable witnesses will be Bryan Crawley” the NDOC then transferred Bryan Crawley and placed him in a debrief program for ex gang members putting his life at “instant” risk as I.G debrief inmates are the most hated inmates in prison and gang members are ordered to hunt down and kill these inmates .

Bryan was transferred in 2009 without the slightest idea of the program he was going to be placed in to but instead of the NDOC ensuring Bryan’s safety they punish him further by transferring him to Ely State Prison where he is now housed among the most dangerous AW gang members and this after he was promised by the I.G program that he would never be transferred to Ely as the risk to his life would be too great. While in prison Bryan has had no history of violence, no gang association, no contagious disease as NDOC once claimed as the reason for isolation and yet he is in lockdown “isolation” 24/7. NDOC need to take responsibility, as they put Bryan is a program that can get him killed and continue to punish him mentally as isolation is pure torture. There are other special housing units for inmates like Bryan Crawley but NDOC seem to prefer isolation. Why?
Not only do we have to question the NDOC for inappropriate “punishment” of Bryan Crawley but one should also question Attorney Fumo’s motives for making this false statement to the media as Attorney Fumo is the AW Gang’s attorney and was well aware that Bryan Crawley was never going to be a witness. The Las Vegas Sun should also be held responsible as they printed a “false “article before researching the facts.
One can only come up with the conclusion that the entire Justice system, NDOC and the media are corrupt and lawless.

The Bryan Crawley case: Reading the media reports one is almost certain to believe at first glance that Bryan Crawley is guilty of the crime he was convicted of but look further and one will start wondering if he was not wrongly convicted. Here are some facts:

In 2006 Bryan Crawley was arrested for the murder of 83 year old John Herda.  Despite the fact that there was no physical evidence tying Bryan Crawley to this crime he was found guilty and sentenced to Life in prison without parole. Possible wrongly convicted? Here are some facts to let you decide.
No DNA of Bryan Crawley was found at the murder scene. The state claimed that the deceased fired and wounded his attacker before he succumbed yet there was no blood of Bryan Crawley found at the scene. Now how is it possible to be shot in the stomach yet not bleed one drop of blood? And after being shot is it possible to still climb a 7ft brick wall fence and still leave no traces of blood anywhere? The suspect’s flashlight was found at the scene with two DNA profiles, one being the DNA of a woman and another but not Bryan Crawley’s DNA. The Mexican doctor who claimed that he treated Bryan Crawley for a gunshot wound claimed that he treated a wound that was 2-3 days old but the murder took place 9 days before he claimed he treated the patient. The Mexican Doctor also did not recognise Bryan Crawley in court, he identified Chris Brewer, a friend of the deceased who took a plea bargain? Then there were the witnesses and their hearsay testimony that ultimately secured a conviction. Witnesses, who have criminal records, were paid big dollars by the victim’s son Nick Herda, to testify against Bryan Crawley.  His reason for the paying of witnesses in court was “I felt sorry for them” Question is why was it necessary to feel sorry for witnesses?  One witness was a disgruntled ex-employee. A man who is a known drug addict and currently in jail for sexual assault on a minor. The Other witness was this offender’s sister. The 3rd witness was Bryan Crawley’s ex girlfriend (mother of his child) who took a plea bargain to testify against him. And let’s not forget the man who paid the witnesses to testify, he was once a suspect in his own father’s murder. The media was bias in so many ways, printing the John Herda (the victim) was a respectable business owner, a war veteran but never did they print anything about the family politics. The Herda family own one of the worst strip clubs in Las Vegas “Foxy girls”, synonymous with drug dealings and prostitution. Ask the right people in Vegas and one will hear that Nick Herda is famous for “owning” half of the justice system. Well known for paying bribes, dealing in drugs, supplying cocaine to Judges, attorneys, FBI, cops and more. No one will testify against him as he is seen as a very powerful man who can pay his way out of trouble while you, if you dare to speak up about him may find yourself in jail or prison for life. It is also believed that if you are a family friend of Nick Herda he will help you out of trouble. All you need to do is go into court wearing a Herda business promotional shirt and the Judge will know what to do next. The Herda family donate generously to their friends in politics and the justice system. Ask around about the association between the Herda and Crawley family and one will hear that Nick Herda and the Late Frank Crawley (The accused Bryan’s uncle) were deep drug “business” buddies. Their friendship goes back many years.

Bryan Crawley was never given an opportunity to testify at his own trial. He was never asked to do a polygraph test, no evidence, no DNA of his found, only hearsay testimony by paid witnesses. He was found guilty before the trial even stated. The state tried to give Bryan the death penalty, that didn’t work because the jury decided that LWOP was a more suited conviction.
Then Attorney Fumo (AW Gang attorney) and close friend of Nick Herda made a false statement to the media. One has to question whether this was done to have Bryan Killed before he gets another shot at a new trial where he will be able to tell his side of the story. Way too much corruption took place to get this conviction and one has to wonder what sinister methods are being used to try break and silence a wrongfully convicted man!

Note from Bryan Crawley
I’m sitting here in a prison with my pen in hand where I have spent so many years trying to understand? Understand the true meaning of life and of love.

Sitting back, asking if it is real? Is it true? That there is a God above,
I want to tell someone of all the things I have learnt of the feelings felt of knowing you’ve been banned from your freedom, faith and sanity by being slapped in your face by reality.

How can I put this? Where do I start? How can I express this straight from my heart?
I woke up one day in this prison cell which was dark as a cave and cold as hell.

I looked in the mirror to see what I’d find, what I saw blew my mind, an old man where youth once stood. That's the moment I truly understood.
I finally understood how I got so old, my face so bitter, my eyes so cold.

I reminiscence about years gone by, the times I laughed and the times I’d cried.
So my message if you listen, you’ll begin to realize that I pull no punches and tell no lies, so please listen to me now. Perhaps you will hear the wisdom of this old man through young man tears,

Bryan Crawley NDOC inmate # 60853 Life without? Why?

Bryan is currently seeking assistance with getting a new fair trial. Here are some facts about his unfair trial that let to him being wrongfully convicted for murder
Bryan Crawley was convicted of the Las Vegas, 2006 murder of J. Herda (Senior) and was sentenced to LWOP. Bryan Crawley has been in prison since 2006. In 2012 Bryan was transferred to Ely State prison where he is now in lock up 24/7 for his “own protection” This following after a false news repost published by LAS VEGAS REWIEW JOURNAL that Bryan Crawley was and I quote “notable witness” against the Aryan Warriors. The media reported that Attorney Fumo, the attorney who was representing an Aryan Warriors member had made this statement but Bryan Crawley was NEVER a witness and had absolutely nothing to do with Aryan Warriors criticize plea deals. So who lied, the Attorney or the media? However due to this false report Bryan was identified as a snitch and an attack/hit on his life was ordered by the Aryan Warriors. Attorney Fumo was once Bryan Crawley’s attorney before the state charged him with the murder of John Herda. It is also believed that Attorney Fumo is a family friend of the Herda family who was openly upset when Bryan Crawley was spared the death penalty.

Now not only has Bryan Crawley’s life been put in severe danger due to this false and misleading news report but there are also serious questions being raised about his conviction for the Herda murder. There are enough reasons to be suspicious that this entire case and conviction was of a far more sinister nature. Bryan did not receive a fair trial and deserved to be given a new trial. Here are some reasons why he should be given a new trial - cast doubt on his conviction. Note that Bryan faced the death penalty but now doing Life without parole in one of the worst prisons in America.
No DNA of Bryan Crawley was found at the crime scene. There was NO physical evidence that linked Bryan to this crime! The Las Vegas crime lab also admitted that Bryan Crawley’ s case was in fact one of the cases in which mistakes were made but this was covered up by saying that it was minor mistakes and that it will not influence the verdict. - -

The case against Bryan Crawley was built on eyewitnesses but here are some facts about the eyewitnesses and their credentials.
Bryan Crawley's ex girlfriend Allison Kiel (who is also the mother of his young child) testified against him. She has since the trial admitted that she lied on the stand because there were charges made against her and in exchange for her testimony she got probation instead of prison time. Is it possible that she was a scorned ex girlfriend and/or was forced to testify in order to avoid threatened prison time herself? According to the media Miss Kiel made various accusations that Bryan Crawley was abusive towards her, threatened her with her life and that she was afraid of him, yet despite these accusations she has willingly allowed their very young daughter to visit her father in prison. It is hard to believe that any mother will allow her child to visit a man in prison for murder, especially if she as she claimed, was violent and abusive towards her and she feared for her life?? Doesn’t make sense?

Another witness was an ex employee that worked in Bryan Crawley’s once very successful cleaning business in Las Vegas. Bryan employed Max Gutierrez (witness) straight after his release from prison as a favour for one of his employees (Max Gutierrez cousin). Max, a man who was once a convicted criminal was now a “star” witness? This witness burgled the Crawley’s home whilst Mr. Crawley and his mother were in Jail. Yes! The state even filed charges against Bryan Crawley’s’ mother to try and get a confession out of him. How reliable can Max Gutierrez testimony really be? CONVICTED CRIMINAL AND WAS PAID TO TESTIFY! Yes PAID! Read further!
Another witness that testified against Mr Crawley was the sister of Max Gutierrez! Really? Sister? It is also important to take note that Max Gutierrez never came forward as a willing witness. He was arrested for unrelated charges and then made a deal to avoid prison time AGAIN in exchange for his testimony.

Yet another witness Kennith Haywood, He was in jail, locked up in a cell with Bryan Crawley awaiting his own trial! Is it possible that he was trying to make a deal with the state to safe his own skin?

Nick Herda (junior) son of the murder victim admitted that he had paid the above witnesses large amounts of cash. Lets recap? The 3 witnesses that testified are the 3 witnesses that Nick Herda gave money to are Max Gutierrez (Mr. Crawley’s ex employee), MAX Gutierrez's sister and Kenneth Haywood (Mr. Crawley’s cell mate- criminal himself??). Nick Herda’s reason for paying witnesses was that he felt sorry for them! What?? The question is why does one need to pay or feel sorry for witnesses? Surely witnesses come forward because they are wanting to do the right thing and not because they were given loads for money before the trial to testify? It is believed that some of the witnesses received up to $30 000 in exchanges for their testimony against Bryan Crawley.
Bryan Crawley has maintained his innocence throughout. He admittedly had a difficult childhood and this was exposed during his trial but not because he was looking for excuses for the crime he was accused of committing but because his attorneys needed mitigating circumstances to help him avoid the death penalty. Looking for mitigating circumstances are standard procedures in any murder trial!

Although Bryan Crawley had a difficult childhood he never used this as self pity! It is clearly evident when one looks at his accomplishments that Bryan Crawley despite his childhood was adamant to be a successful member of society. Bryan even won a sports scholarship to Texas A&M University but lost this scholarship due to an injury. Still, even with this set back he still went on the start and run a high turnover, very successful business in Las Vegas.
Although it is sad that Mr. Henda senior lost his life, in a house invasion/armed robbery? The media reports were misleading and unfair by portraying Bryan Crawley as THE murderous monster with no conscience, and that from even before the trial began. The victim was portrayed as a successful business owner of the once Herda appliance store and war veteran. This was done only to make the crime Bryan Crawley was accused of sound even more dreadful.

Not to degrade the victim or the Herda family in anyway but Herda’s family stores was back in archive days and since then the Herda family made and make their living from a business called Foxy girls, written as the worst strip club in Las Vegas Now we all know that strip clubs are associated with drugs, prostitution and serious other crimes! Is it possible that John Herda was a victim of a crime related to his own business he and his sons ran? . This proves that the media will spice up a story to sell the news rather that print accurate facts. Sad because this could send someone to death row!!!
One report also published by The LAS VEGAS REVIEW JOURNAL even stated and I quote “ Crawley remained stoic after the court clerk read the verdict but flashed a big smile at a television cameraman as he was being escorted from the courtroom” Television camera? How convenient! Why not publish a photo with him supposedly smiling? The media really need to take responsibility for what misleading information they print as nowhere are any photographs published with Mr. Crawley smiling during trial, NO WHERE! Even on this report there is no such evidence. The only thing that court photographs show is a healthy successful business man who as trial continued became a depressed and fragile man! In Mr. Crawley’s case it’s blatantly obvious that the media was rooting for the death penalty to sell newspapers!

The lack of evidence, paid witnesses and unfair trial are enough reasons for Mr Crawley to get a new trial. Allow him a fair opportunity to prove his innocence!
Ely State Prison where Mr. Crawley is now housed for his “own protection” is known as one of the worst maximum security prisons in Nevada. A prison that is so harsh but not everyone in there are serial killers yet the treatment is the same for all inmates. Bryan is locked up in his cell everyday, 24 hours a day, only allowed a shower every 3 days. He is only allowed one 15 minute phone call once a week.

Bryan is in need of an attorney who will be willing to take on his case on a pro bono basis. Also if you would like to show Bryan your support please share / re post this information to help Bryan get a new trial.

Bryan Crawley was just another victim of the U.S.A corrupt Justice system.