Saturday, 17 November 2012

Lying Attorney Ozzie Fumo & the Las Vegas Review-Journal should be held responsible for putting Bryan Crawley's life at risk

The jury did not give Bryan Crawley the death penalty but the Judge sentences him to 22 life sentences for a conviction based solely on paid witnesses testimony.  

After Bryan's conviction Attorney Ozzie Fumo made a FALSE statement to the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL stating that Bryan Crawley was to be a "notable" witness and to testify against the AW gang for a reduced sentence

All Lies & The LVRJ printed it!

LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL printed these lies and put Bryan Crawley's life
at instant risk in prison

It is also important to note that Attorney Ozzie Fumo of Fumo Law in Las Vegas is a family friend of the Herda family. And that Nick Herda, son on the victim John Herda is the person that paid witnesses to testify against Bryan Crawley. Nick Herda was also the LVMPD's 1st prime suspect until Bryan Crawley became their new suspect.


Corruption & Conspiracy

Attorney Ozzie Fumo should be held responsible
 and charged for corruption as his false statement led to Bryan Crawley being placed in the NDOC Debrief gang program in which he did not belong, followed by a prison transfer and being placed in isolation "for his own protection"  
The questions that should be asked and investigated is
Why did attorney Fumo make this statement and why has he been allowed to get away with it?
Why did the LVRJ print this article with out checking the accuracy of Attorney Fumo's statement?


State claims Bryan Crawley was shot at crime scene but no DNA or Blood found

Bryan Crawley - No Physical evidence linking him to the murder of John Herda
Convicted on PAID witnesses testimony only
The State claimed that Bryan was shot but
no DNA or any of his blood was found at the crime scene

Is it possible to be shot and not bleed one drop of blood?

NO blood of Bryan Crawley was ever found on the crime scene

 Here is a brief case summary written by Bryan Crawley

"I only seek what our Constitution guarantees all Americans which is a fair trial"



22 Life sentences for one murder he did not commit

22 Life sentences for one murder he did not commit

Bryan Crawley’s case is a typical example of the corruption within The Nevada Justice Systems.

No physical evidence linking him to the murder the State pinned on him and sought the death penalty for. The State had no physical evidence whatsoever so they relied purely on the testimony of witnesses who were paid by the LVMPD’s first main suspect, the victim’s own son Nick Herda to secure a conviction that will send Bryan to prison for life without parole.

Now convicted and serving life for a murder he did not commit Bryan Crawley only seeks what the constitution guarantees all American’s, a fair trial. Many will want to deny him this opportunity as after all it is more of the taxpayer’s money that will have to fund a second trial and it’s convenient to rather want to believe that the 1st trial was a fair trial but these assumptions are made purely on misleading information printed by the media.

It is difficult to prove one’s innocence once you have been convicted as many prisoners claim innocence but the truth is that many in prison have been wrongly convicted by a system that is a bottomless pit of corruption and a thriving business entity. Prosecutors manipulate cases and hide crucial evidence that could present reasonable doubt or prove innocence. Juries are influenced by manipulated evidence in favour of the state and in the case of Bryan Crawley also influenced by false witness testimony. The media created a monstrous picture of Bryan Crawley long before the trial even began and society influenced to believe that he was guilty because the truth was hidden and well disguised.

When the State denies an appeal or a request for a new trial when there is enough reasonable doubt that the accused did not receive a fair trial the first time round it is not because they want to save the tax payer money but because they are afraid that the corruption within the system will be exposed. And sending people to prison for long sentences to life is a profitable business, mass incarcerations has created a thriving industry and that’s what the so called Justice system is all about and interested in.

There are millions of human beings like Bryan Crawley wrongfully convicted and imprisoned
 because their life does not matter, profits do!